
Visiting Lecturer, Vol. 1

Most of us have been doing fantasy since college or thereafter, in the era of web-compiled stats and high-falutin' services offering instant updates, live scoring, and--praise be--chat rooms. We're familiar with the term "roto," but mostly just as a synonym for fantasy or as the fake surname of ESPN guru Matthew Berry. For Browless Wonders owner Will Shoaf, though, 'roto' still exists in its original meaning, from the days when Shoaf's dad and his weird, probably dental-based, friends would do a rotisserie baseball league where everyone is playing everyone all the time.
Still trying to please his Dad after all these years, Will has compiled our league's results as if it were a roto league. I don't think I can cut and paste his formatting (he made a chart!) into this site, so I'm just going to try to publish a link. Let me know if this works:

Will's Roto Analysis

[UPDATE: I've replaced the original link with the one from the comments section that supposedly works.]


  1. PS. I have no explanation as to why Will uses GOD as an abbreviation of Great Oden's Raven. Apparently he thinks pretty highly of bernier.

  2. I meant GOR. but it makes it funny. link doesn't work.

  3. So, I was thinking about the GOD thing. I guess I saw Great Oden's Raven, and somehow my brain thought the abbreviation was G.Od. I don't know. Basically, I'm retarded.

  4. This link should work:

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It's understandable that Sovic didn't post a Daily Dump after last night since there were only two games. But just thought I'd point out (well besides the obvious Hot Shit to LBJ) that for the 2nd time in 3 installments, one of Shoaf's players would have received the Loose Stool thanks to Delonte's .400 - 2 6 0 2 0 0 .

    no one can spray the bowl like you, willy.

  7. i think its interesting that you would use my team as an example of how punting a category hurts you much more in roto format since i would actually be ranked higher in roto format.

    seems like it would have hurt me less?

    regardless, interesting and nice to see that it wouldn't make too much difference. does seem to eliminate the luck factor a little, both good and bad.

    i watched that game last night. delonte with fro + retro throwback unis = ronald mcdonald

  8. thought about it more....maybe will's right but i just had a lot of bad luck, per sovic's post the other day, so i still end out better in roto even though my shitty fg% hurts me more?

  9. Well, beb, I think your improvement in the roto style has more to do with the fact that Bardey drops quite a bit in roto. Despite the fact that you punt a category, you are fucking awesome in multiple categories. Bardey punts a category too, but he is not nearly as dominant in as many other categories as you are. Also, bardey is a lucky fuck.
