
Late Night Dump

No late games means a pre-midnight loaf pinch.

Hot Shit: Chris Paul, Browless
.429 - 1.000 - 0 - 29 - 6 - 11 - 6 - 0

Loose Stool: Tyson Chandler, Prof. Dribbles
.400 - N/A - 0 - 4 - 7 - 0 - 2 - 1

Upper Decker: JR Smith, Black Prez
.429 - 1.000 - 6 - 19 - 4 - 4 - 0 - 0


  1. Also, can we call it the "upper dekker?" I wrote that to beb by mistake and it just looks right.

  2. i think gerald wallace deserved it: .615 1.000 1 25 9 5 3 1

  3. crash was certainly a candidate, and there were a few other contenders last night (tony parker had a nice game), but the 6 steals by cp3 was a standout in a way that none of wallace's individual statlines were (though taken in toto they are an impressive Octuplet).
    i should also note that gerald wallace is one of my favorite players, and i may sometimes overcorrect in trying not to play favorites in the morning dump. i'm just so damned dedicated to fairness.

  4. I think you made the right choice.
