
Brief Hiatus

As some of you have already noticed, I'm taking a bit of a break here. I was deathly ill and unable to do anything but lie in bed and watch awful television all weekend, and that has left me with two nights (tonight and tomorrow) to compile grades for 300 middle schoolers. This is a task I should have started a week ago, then should have started this weekend, and instead am starting now. Grades are due on Wednesday, so I should be back to blogging by Thursday or Friday, and I have all of next week off, so expect a bounteous blogsplosion all over your faces. In the meantime, I will be posting one sexy hotness a day to keep you happy. Here's today's:


  1. i find it interesting that you posted this on tuesday, being that tues is on your schedule as "absentee landlords" day.

    i'm also sad, as i was looking forward to the monday recap of last weeks heated battle between bardois and i. then i realized that i was sad due to the lack of a daily posting on the clug univ. fantasy bball blog and this made me even more sad.

    i hope you get better soon so i don't have to continue to think about these things.

  2. I just realized I have to stop reading this blog at school.
