

My computer has gone from only working when plugged in and jammed into the floor in an awkward position to not working at all. Posts will be spare until I can get it working again. All apologies to our Finalists, who deserve better for their championship match-up.


  1. don't buy a macbook. You're paying extra for it to be sleek looking. don't be swayed by the "cool guy" mac commercials (like dois). buy pc...

  2. by the way, the finals got off to an incredibly even start. Beb and I both had 5 guys going last night, and we ended up 3-3, with all catagories being close. I'm so excited...

  3. i could go on for hours about the new macbook mousepad and how much it makes me want to throw the whole damn thing out a window. it's so automated with nifty new "intuitive" features it's constantly trying to do crazy things when you just want to move the cursor around and click on things like a normal person. drives me crazy.

  4. i mean, yes, i'm cool cause i got a mac (or maybe i got a mac cause i'm cool. hmm...). but it also fucking works and i've never had an issue with it and sovic is on like his 7th brokedick pc since i've known him. now perhaps he just cannot be trusted to operate a laptop of any brand like a normal human being, and would destroy a macbook too, but if i were him i'd make the switch.

  5. my team is off to a beastly start...

  6. seriously, your guys are out of control. i'm actually having a decent week so far, but unless your team cools off a bit, i have no chance

  7. And...now Monta and crawford are down. Can I win with only 7 guys?

  8. Sovic, I'm going to try and win with Roger Mason Jr. Wasn't he on your team for a while?

  9. Thank you very much for writing such an interesting article on this topic. This has really made me think and I hope to read more.Florarie Cluj
