the best kobe rapist picture I could find... |
I'd say Kobe's popularity was at it's lowest point soon after he allegedly raped a woman in Colorado and then bought his wife a huge diamond ring to make up for it. Kobe had never been very likable in the first place; even his teammates found him aloof and uninteresting. However, one of his most vocal (at least through gchat) proponents was none other than Sr. Sovic.
Since I am a sheep by nature, I found myself in the majority as a Kobe hater. Sovic, on the other hand, preached about learning to "embrace Kobe as a villain," and stated emphatically that he would "love to have" Kobe on his fantasy team. In time, Sovic's defiant support of the black mamba wore down my defenses (hey, like kobe does to women!), and I begrudgingly learned to accept his villainy.
That bring us to Lebron. Sovic hates lebron. He's always hated lebron. When Lebron was arguably the most popular player on the planet, Sovic stood his ground and stuck with his vehement hatred (recently, I learned Forshay felt the same way). I, on the other hand, respected lebron for being the most talented player on the planet (even if he wasn't the most hardworking). I loved that any time he was on TV, I would turn over to see what he might do. He always had 3-4 HOLY FUCK moments every game.
Now, after "the decision" debacle, Bron is almost universally hated (and booed every night he's on the road). My question to Sr. Sovic is this: will you learn to embrace his villainy? Now that most have jumped ship (I do think dois, beb, and I still have some love for him) and you're in the majority opinion, will you find the bron-hater-club too crowded for your liking?
I await a response.